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Facts on Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR)
(taken from CSTA publication)
Plant breeder’s rights help to generate investment in research and development. Protecting seed intellectual property provides both public and private sector plant breeders the tools to invest in research and development to improve varieties with higher yields, agronomic benefits and new traits for healthier foods and renewable resources. Creating a new improved environment for our Canadian plant breeders is vital to promoting this investment, encouraging seed innovation and keeping Canadian farmers competitive in the global market.
Because of new legislation protecting seed companies’ investment, Limagrain France has partnered with Canterra Seeds Canada and have announced a new cereal breeding company based in Saskatoon to develop new cereals for the western Canadian farmer.
NEW FOR 2021
Soybeans seem to be the shining star last year producing average yields for many with strong market prices. If you are keeping soybeans in your rotation, go with what you know, but you should always try a small percentage of your acres to something new. Be sure to have a bit of variation in maturity. This helps to alleviate some risk, and remember we can get an early frost.
For new growers, if you are planning to add soybeans to your rotation, start small and be sure to soil test. You should have less than 50 lbs. of N in the zero to six inch for best results otherwise nodulation can be compromised, (referred to as lazy beans). Select a proper variety for your row width there are slender plants for narrow row, and bushy plants for wide row spacing. By picking the proper plant type and seeding rate for your row spacing, you can help reduce lodging and white mold. White mold can be a larger concern if the previous crop was canola.
If you are choosing canola ground, keep in mind:
- A) Canola is a weed in soybeans
- B) RR Canola is harder to control in RR soybeans, it can be done however:
- b1) proper herbicide has to be applied at the proper stage,
- b2) you need to have a good soybean stand to provide crop competition throughout the year.
In 2016, we had challenges with crop competition because of excess moisture and hail. Beans defoliated by hail open the canopy for volunteer canola and weeds to grow. If volunteer canola is of a different system eg. LL or CL, the answer is quite simple, reapply glyphosate.
If it is RR it can be costly. Basagram Forte is your only option at later stages.
Other concerns growing beans on canola ground is land rolling possibly causing soil to be wind blown. There are some varieties that pod higher, and growers may choose to pick a few stones and not land roll.
Know your field. If there are low areas they could have high salts. During periods of heavy rainfall iron chlorosis can develop. This turns the plants yellow and nodulation is reduced and yield can drop to zero in severe cases. Look at IDC ratings when selecting a variety. Some varieties have a higher IDC rating and are better suited to those areas.
Use of proper seed treatment and dual inoculating virgin soils help in quick emergence in cold spring soils. S/S trials have shown better root development and more tolerance to abiotic stress factors, including (frost, drought, flooding), resulting in better yields.
Remember soybeans are scavengers for nutrients. They can utilize nutrients in your soil better than other crops, however, nutrient levels need to be monitored and maintained. (eg. nitrogen can be fixated by a well inoculated soybean, but phosphate and potash cannot, and should be maintained for future crops).
We can help you select the proper variety from our large lineup of soybean companies: Brett Young, DeKalb, Northstar Genetics, Pride Seeds, ProGrain, Syngenta, and Thunder Seeds.
With our accredited treating facility we can provide you with in- season treating for all your seed needs. We also have three Degelman 52 ft. land rollers for rent.
Call for trial results and variety information
BASF : New L340PC is an exciting new pod shatter -clubroot variety with competitive yield. L234PC has performed well in our area with its early maturity and pod shatter-clubroot, be cautious however, of high fertility. L255PC is pod shatter-clubroot variety with very strong stand ability. L233P remains a strong variety with mid to early maturity and high yield potential but be aware of clubroot. If clubroot is a concern in your area, L340PC, L345PC, LR344PC, L234PC, L255PC, L352C are better choices.
Brett Young: BY6207TF – BY5125CL
Canterra: CS2600 TruFlex has placed well in trials and has strong blackleg and pod integrity making it a good choice for delayed swathing CS2600 has strong blackleg and clubroot tolerance.
Bayer DeKalb: NEW DKTF97 TruFlex RR lineup . 75-65 RR has done well for many growers with its good blackleg and pod integrity making it a choice for delayed swathing. DKLL 82 SC 75-45 is early maturing Liberty tolerant canola with good yield potential and pod integrity.
Corteva Brevant: Nexera is back with a new lineup showing improved blackleg. 10-28 RR and new 10-30 RR have good standability and yield. 20-26 CL, 20-28 CL, New 20-30CL offer great standability and yield. Contracts are available for all the above through Bunge Altona, Louis Dreyfus Rathwell, and Viterra Morden.
B3010M strong performance Liberty tolerant canola with excellent clubroot protection (resistant to pathotypes 2(2F), 3 (3H), 5 (5I), 6 (6M),8 (8N), plus 2B, 3A, 3D, 5X) Harvest Max trait for improved harvestability, mid maturity
Cereal Seed Availability 2017:
Barley: Conlon
Flax: CDC Glas
Oats: CS Camden, Summit, ORe3542M
RS Wheat: New AAC Starbuck, AAC Brandon, AAC Tisdale
CPS Wheat: AAC Penhold
For more varieties please inquire at 204-744-2883.
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Clubroot in Canola
Clubroot is spread mainly by the movement of infected soil on farm machinery; eg. custom application or demo equipment. Other equipment involved in the spread would be construction, utilities, and petroleum industries; wind and water erosion, recreation vehicles, (hunters), livestock, manure, hay, seed potatoes, common or uncleaned seed with earth tag. The amount of soil required to move this disease is still unknown. Best recommended prevention is the practice of good sanitation. Clean the soil and crop residue off equipment before leaving or entering the field. The level of sanitation should be based on the level of risk. If you know of a confirmed infection, then a pressure washer preferably with hot water and a misting of 2% household bleach solution should be used on the equipment prior to entering the field; and restricted access to that field should be enforced. Rotation will not prevent clubroot from being introduced to your farm, however clubroot resistant varieties and longer rotations once infection is in your field will help reduce the buildup of the pathogens. Also the control of weeds that are susceptible will help.
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