2018 Canola Trial North

Sierens Seed Service

Plot Width 35′ x 815′ = 0.6548 ac. Harvested August 31,2018.

*Yield results adjusted to 9% moisture.

Roundup-Ready Canola Trial

# Seed Brand Name Seed Treatment Swathing Date Mois.(%) Weight
Yield Rank
5 Invigor L230 Prosper/Lumiderm  Aug-15 7.8 2019 62.5 7
6 Dekalb 74-44 Helix Vibrance  Aug-15 6.8 2002 62.6 6
7 Dekalb 74-44 Helix Vibrance  Aug-15 6.9 1977 61.8 11
8 Dekalb 75-42 Helix Vibrance  Aug-18 6.7 1970 61.7 12
9 Dekalb 75-45 Helix Vibrance  Aug-15 6.7 1883 59 14
10 Dekalb 75-65 Helix Vibrance Aug-18 6.7 2066 64.7 1
 11 Dekalb  EXP#1 Helix Vibrance Aug-15 6.7 2026 63.4 4
12 Pioneer 45H37 Helix Vibrance Aug-15 6.9 1893 59.1 13
13 Cantera EXP#3-18 Helix Vibrance Aug-20 8.9 1877 57.4 16
14 Cantera 2300 Helix Vibrance Aug-20 7.7 1992 61.9 10
15 Cantera 2000 Helix Vibrance Aug-18 7.0 1993 62.2 8
16 Cantera 2100 Helix Vibrance Aug-15 7.1 1993 62.1 9
17 Nexera 1026 RR Helix Vibrance Aug-20 7.3 1868 58.1 15
18 Croplan EXP918-31 RR Helix Vibrance Aug-20 6.2 2042 64.3 3
19 Croplan EXP918-01 RR Helix Vibrance Aug-18 8.1 2037 62.8 5
20 Dekalb 75-42 Helix Vibrance Aug-18 7.3 2070 64.4 2

Field Notes: Sometimes things just work out. This trial was very even, it was seeded a bit later and had no flea-beetle damage, giving it a great start. These conditions resulted in an excellent, and evenly yielding trial. The trial was all swathed prior to harvest. but because of a range of maturity it was swathed in 3 different mornings, totaling 5 days from earliest to later maturing.

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